
  Streamer2 includes a fully featured install script! Just double-click Install. Betcha would have never guessed that one.

Running the install program

  1. Choose your CPU version. If your Amiga is equipped with a Floating Point Unit, it will speed the internal player up quite a lot.
  2. Choose your language. The catalog file will be copied to your LOCALE:. English is built-in.
  3. Choose the location for the Streamer2 program.
  4. Choose the location for documentation
  5. Do you want to overwrite the preferences file? This will reset the prefs to their default settings. It also sets the HTML Help location (see above).
  6. Do you want to configure Aweb? This part is magic. The installer will add the MIME entries to Aweb for you. Unfortunately, only Aweb allows you to reconfigure it using Arexx, so no other browsers are supported.
  7. Install complete!

Now, set up your browser's MIME type:
Web servers send a header. This header contains information about the file it is sending, like the media type, size, and server type. Most web browsers use this information rather than a file extension to determine what viewer to start. This is why we have to download .lha files half the time, because server admins haven't configured their web servers to recoginze these kinds of files. Dag-nab and blast them!!
Steps vary according to the browser you use...

Mime typeExtensionsActionProgramArguments
AUDIO/X-SCPLSpls m3u mpuExternal programstreamer2FILE=%f
AUDIO/X-MPEGURLpls m3u mpuExternal programstreamer2FILE=%f
AUDIO/X-PN-REALAUDIOra rmExternal programstreamer2FILE=%f

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